Tickets now on sale for Opportunity Enterprises Gala Opportunity Enterprises (OE) will host its annual Gala May 10 at Blue ...
Many think of the west coast when it comes to national parks. The east coast houses some of America's best. We cover ...
Here's how you can get away, marvel at the wonder of nature, sleep under the stars, and keep your distance from other ...
Indiana Dunes National Park Guide and Assistant Outreach ... The events will feature an Easter Egg Hunt after each train ride. More than 6,000 eggs will be distributed this year and gathered ...
The site is a short walk from the Lake Michigan beach and near other attractions like the Indiana Dunes National Park ... downtown Chicago just an hour’s ride away – have all been significant ...
Bendix Woods, LaGrange County and local farmers will put on tasty maple syrup fests and tours with lots of tasting and kids activities.
∎ Sugar Camp Days at Bendix Woods County Park: On Timothy Road south of Indiana ... rides. Free admission. (, 269-205-8255) ∎ Wilderness first responder course ...
Indiana Dunes Tourism is planning to start completely rearranging the interior of the Indiana Dunes Visitor Center this year ...
Scores of people, many toting homemade signs, braved the briskly cold weather Saturday afternoon to gather at the Indiana ...
Florida isn't for everyone. Sometimes you want the shopping, the scenery, and the fun without the crowds. These Indiana destinations can offer that.
Depending on wind conditions, Michiana residents might see clouds of smoke that smell like a burning forest as the National Park Service plans to conduct eight prescribed fires at Indiana Dunes ...
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Indiana Dunes National Park has lost five employees in the wake of federal cuts hitting national parks, which has raised concerns about park safety and maintenance.