“Because Australia is a very old continent, a lot of the rocks have been faulted in the past, and so you might have old faults ... to Mount Stuart where Saturday night’s earthquake originated.
Believed to be triggered by a millions-year-old geological fault, Townsville experienced ... View over Townsville to Mount Stuart where Saturday night’s earthquake originated.
Scientists are sounding the alarm after a series of earthquakes ... faults other than the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Both occurred in 1993. The first was a magnitude 5.6 that originated from the ...
Earthquakes occur along fault lines between continental plates, where one plate is diving beneath another. Pressure builds between each plate, called fault stress. When this stress builds enough to ...
The epicenter for all the quakes was about one mile east of Hayward, in San Francisco’s East Bay, according to the U.S. Geological Survey ...
Literal groundbreaking research by Dr. Giorgio Arriga enhances our understanding of the long-term evolution of seismogenic (earthquake-related) faults in the Apennines of Central Italy.