美国人也开始使用虚拟专用网络 (VPN),它允许用户假装自己身处其他国家——例如,TikTok 粉丝可以假装自己身处加拿大,而加拿大并不适用该禁令。 根据与 BBC 分享的屏幕截图,另一家名为 AppDB 的 iPhone ...
微软表示,由于使用量不足,它将关闭与 Cloudflare WARP 类似的 Microsoft Defender VPN。 此外,该公司认为可以重新分配资源,将重点放在可能有更好参与度的功能上。 在一份声明中,微软指责了Defender ...
(纽约8日讯)近日,外国网络安全公司卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)发出警告,指在App Store及Google ...
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As CNET's VPN expert, Attila rigorously tests VPNs and offers readers advice on how they can use the technology to protect their privacy online. Rae Hodge was a senior editor at CNET. She led CNET ...
As CNET's VPN expert, Attila rigorously tests VPNs and offers readers advice on how they can use the technology to protect their privacy online. Rae Hodge was a senior editor at CNET. She led CNET ...
A virtual private network, aka a VPN, is one of the best tools you can use to boost your online privacy and security. It encrypts your traffic and tunnels it through a private server, allowing you ...
If you want all the features of the best VPN services, you usually have to pay for them. Fortunately, several free options cover the basics and improve your online privacy. Don't worry ...
Here’s how it works. Using the best Netflix VPN is the perfect way to get the most out of your streaming subscription. Because Netflix offers different content in different countries due to ...
I review privacy tools like hardware security keys, password managers, private messaging apps and ad-blocking software. I also report on online scams and offer advice to families and individuals ...
Here’s how it works. It's no secret that long-term VPN plans offer the best value, but there are a lot of reasons to seek out the cheapest monthly VPN subscriptions, too. If you're heading on ...