Operation Aurora - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Jan 14, 2010 · Operation Aurora. In 2009, Google, Adobe, and a number of other high-profile companies were targeted in an attack that came to be known as Operation Aurora. The attack, which originated out of China, targeted the intellectual property of the target companies, including source code that controlled major systems, including Google's Gmail service.
Cyber Espionage - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Titan Rain and Operation Aurora are often provided as examples of state-sponsored cyber terrorism. While this is plausible, there are a number of analysts who reject the notion that a technologically advanced state, in this case the Chinese, would leave a trail of obvious footprints leading back to the country of origin.
Navigation with Reactive Behaviours for the AURORA Mobile Robot
Oct 1, 1996 · Regarding operation, AURORA carries an on-board spraying device that must be activated and deactivated depending on the current stage of the navigation task while operating inside greenhouses. This is specified by means of a flag in each instruction of the task (e.g. "Follow the corridor while operating").
Autonomous and Teleoperated Control of the AURORA Mobile …
Jun 1, 1996 · Next sections include an overview of the AURORA robot, the sensors for navigation and operation, the architecture description through its different levels. the tele·operator station implementation. and the results of a navigation experiment. The last two sections are for conclusions and references.
Military Operation - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
A military operation refers to dynamic and violent activities that involve political, diplomatic, social, cultural, moral, ideological, religious, economic, scientific, technological, informational, geographical, and environmental interactions, shaping world history with severe consequences for those who fail to understand their complexity.
Aurora hack spawns widespread concern - ScienceDirect
Jan 1, 2010 · Operation Aurora, the concerted hacking effort against Google and other companies that prompted the search engine giant to consider pulling out of China, has turned into an international incident. Previous article in issue
Advanced Persistent threats and how to monitor and deter them
Aug 1, 2011 · Spear-phishing attacks take a great deal more work on the part of the attacker to pull off than random phishing attacks and have been used in many high-profile APT attacks, including Operation Aurora, and those against the International Monetary Fund, Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the US and the French foreign ministry.
Moonlight Maze - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
As the first use case large enterprise networks are considered, having in mind known attacks, such as Moonlight Maze, GhostNet but also attacks on cloud computing systems as Operation Aurora, attack on financial technology networks as Carbanak and attacks on Internet of Things networks as STRONTIUM. Additionally, attacks like Stuxnet or Flames ...
Control architecture for mobile robot operation and navigation
Dec 1, 1994 · This paper presents the navigation and operation system (NOS) for a multipurpose industrial autonomous mobile robot for both indoor and outdoor environments. This architecture supports task specification in terms of an event-driven state-based machine that provides high quality mission performance in uncertain environments.
A Comprehensive Survey on Advanced Persistent Threat
Generally, these types of attacks are conducted by highly skilled attackers. APTs were first identified in the year of 2006 [6] and became notable after operation aurora which was conducted against the Google in 2011 [7]. The APTs are defined as follows by NIST: